James Wilkinson wrote:
Oais Halim wrote:
I have a new cdrom drive so a possibility for it to fail is rare.
Actually, computer electronics tends to follow a "bathtub curve" failure rate: there's a lot of failures in the first week or so, hardly any for a long time, then gradually they'll wear out.
It's also very possible that your CD drive is marginal. They're very generic these days: the only way for a manufacturer to distinguish its drives is to cut costs as far as possible. Often, they'll compromise quality at the same time.
Can you try doing the media check on someone else's PC?
Have you also tried to turn off the CD-ROM DMA during installation? I think the option is cdnodma but I'm not 100% sure.
That one's bitten me quite a few times on VIA hardware, but I guess it could apply to any chipset.
Quite often the IDE controller doesn't quite like the CD-ROM in DMA mode. It also isn't the first time I've seen CD-ROMs do weird stuff while connected on the same cable as other devices. Another thing you might check.
Regards, Ed.