Hi: >Did you try the nvidia installer? It worked fine for me. I'm not sure why the >packages compiled for someone else's configuration is supposed to be better. Well, for a sysadmin or an advanceduserwithtimetowaste it's fine, but if I wanna expand the GNU/Linux in my company, I must convince my boss. And i can't say him: 'Well, may be 3 times monthly a new and more advanced kernel can be automatically installed for you. Then, after reboot, your screen will be flickering for a while, wait for 5 minutes aprox and then a message saying that X server could not be started will be appear. Always answer 'NO' to all messages or your X configuration may change, making PROBABLY your X server refuse to start, or at least start as supposed. After all messages as been answered, log in a console as root. Go, using command line, to access the file where the nvidia is and execute it ( ./ or path, etc... ). -Here explain nvidia installer procedure, message and sense- After that, try to start your X server executing startx, if all goes well, log out and start multiuser X mode ( telinit 5 ). If something goes wrong, stop your work and try to solve the problem, if problem persist, call me. oh! and some times nvidia releases a new driver version, and no, will not be autmoatically installed with your croned apt-get dist-upgrade, yes, that's an advantage of GN U/Linux world, but this time you will not use it, you must visit nvidia web at least once a month and see if new releases are availabe, and if the changes are usefull to you. And my boss will answer ' Wow, awesome!, install GNU/Linux in all our computers and have fun!" For me, the nvidia rpm with apt-get kernel & driver is more than a good idea. Must be more polished, but it's a good starting point Regards David Ballester Montolio Responsable de Sistemas y Comunicaciones Kern Pharma, S.L. www.kernpharma.com Personalmente, mis problemas de suministro de software legal se limitan a averiguar qué debo poner detrás de "apt-get install ..." omni en barrapunto Que parte de /sbin/ifconfig eth0|grep 'inet'|awk -F' ' '{print $2}'|sed -e s/addr:// no entiendes? :) GNU!