I installed FC2 for the first time today. I had been using FC1 and enjoying it until things started messing up and performing operations as root kept causing the PC to freeze up. I have a question: The 'reset' command in FC1 completely cleared the terminal window and gave a fresh shell prompt. I liked this because I am a programmer I often get lots of errors when I try to compile a program. Using reset in FC1 allowed me to be sure that I was only seeing the errors from the most recent compile attempt. However, in FC2 typing gives a prompt at the top of the terminal window, but does not clear the screen nor the terminal buffer (what I call the buffer is the text in the terminal that can be seen by scrolling up.) Are there plans to fix this? If not, can anyone tell me what package the 'reset' command is in so that I can download the source and alter it and reinstall it??? Thank you for your help.