I am having diffulty installing fedora core 2 on an old Pentium calss system that cannot boot from CDroms. I have gone through all of my disks and looked for to bootdiskette.img file to start the instalation from my copies of Fedora Core 2.0. Current system to install on is: P-166-S 64meg EDO Ram IDE Two 3.2 gig seagate harddrive. IDE 48X ATAPI CD-ROM NIC_A Reatek 8139/801X PCI FAMILY NIC_B Digital Equipment DEC21041 PCI BASED VIDEO S3 Virge GX\DX I am in despartate need of help... I want to learn this operating system. The only issue I have is in getting it installed. My Cat Tigger says...Every morning... Before my morning coffee... I might as well be a dog... Private responces here... http://www.travel-net.com/~selen3701/email.htm