Jack Howarth wrote:
However the sensors output shows two sections. One is for
w83627hf-isa-0c00 and contains actual nonzero values for the
temperatures and fan speeds. The second is for w83627hf-i2c-0-2d
and contains only zeros for the temperature and fan speed.
The first table is marked as Adapter: ISA adapter whereas the
second with zero values is marked SMBus I801 adapter. What is
the rational for which adapter gets the temperature measurements?
Oh, this is for a dual Xeon box. Thanks in advance for any clues.
You access the sensor chip via either the SMBus or the ISA bus. I have never had any luck getting the sensors to read from the SMBus. I have always used the ISA bus. (Run sensors-detect again and read the output more closely for more details). You will most likely need to tweak your /etc/sensors.conf file for your sensor chipset to get more accurate values when you run the sensors command. What I do is go into the BIOS screen and check the values there and try and adjust my sensors to match what I see in the BIOS display. If you want to be really accurate, get a digital thermometer and voltmeter, and measure the values, then tweak your sensors.conf file to match.