On Tue, 10 Aug 2004, Jeff wrote:
I saw an article in Wired magazine recently that shows the swear words in the linux kernel alone.
Here is the link to the findings
And here is a quote from Torvalds
If the locker-room talk worries the suits trying to make money off Linux, Linus Torvalds, the father of the OS, doesn't give a damn. "Profanity and bad taste can be fine," he wrote to developers in a 1999 email. The time to worry, he said, is "when the profanities start to occupy a noticeable amount of kernel space."
That's the source... comments don't get compiled into the running code...
On Tue, 10 Aug 2004 23:10:24 +0200, Kyrre Ness Sjobak <kyrre@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I am just wondering: could all this fuzz indicate a lack of quality control? I mean - i don't think knew that it was shipping the string "erect penis"...
Ill always thought that RH read through all code they shipped - so no package could somhow place a backdoor on my system. Was i wrong?
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