> Am Mo, den 09.08.2004 schrieb Markus Nicolussi um 17:57: > > but then i got stuck, because the documentation is so poor. and because > > i need install CD's which see my SATA-RAID (SiI chip --> Medley) > > Don't only complain but contribute by testing. Yeah! your right. Since FC1 i try every (test) release. my last try was FC3T1 and it didn't work. I can see my harddrives even with FC1. but only single, not together as one like with the SiI drivers. Silicon Image linux driver: (you have to go to the left frame and choose: Serial ATA -> controllers -> SiI3112/3112A -> SiI3112A: Linux SATA Drivers) this driver was made for RH9. the driver wasn't updated for over a year! it's a driver-floppy-disk which anaconda uses to load the driver so that it can see the medley array. afterwards it can install on it and builds a initrd with the driver in it so that i can boot from medley. http://www.ussg.iu.edu/hypermail/linux/kernel/0407.0/0986.html sais that dmraid supports the so called Silicon Image Medley RAID. but the documentation/readme to this software only tells me, how to install dmraid on a already running system. but i can't install a fedora core because it doesn't see the Medley array for which it seems to need dmraid - wich only can be installed on a allready running fedora which... i don't now what was first, the chicken or the egg... maybe there is a way by temporarly installing fedora on a normal IDE drive and then linking the medely array into the system. and then somehow installing fedora on my raid array. but i don't know how and couldn't find something in the net. i'm keen on testing but i can't find any howto and i have too less phantasy to imagine it myselfe. and i don't have a spare ide harddisk to boot from. so the question ist: Whenn will Anaconda use dmraid, so that i can test the Fedora install CDs and dmraid? ciao, nico. -- NEU: WLAN-Router für 0,- EUR* - auch für DSL-Wechsler! GMX DSL = supergünstig & kabellos http://www.gmx.net/de/go/dsl