(No quoted text: I don't think there was much useful to quote). Art Ped was having problems installing the slmodem driver. Two things, Art: Firstly, it seriously helps (us) if you include a summary of the problem in each post, or at least respond to your previous post so that we can look "up-thread". This means people can see the beginning of the story, and respond to the context. Secondly, we need to know which version of the driver you're installing, and where it came from. A quick Google makes me think that a 2.7 driver Just Won't Work on a 2.6 kernel: try a slmodem-2.9 version. For what it's worth, I don't have your hardware, and I run a standard Linus 2.6.7 kernel, but slmodem-2.9.8 from http://linmodems.technion.ac.il/packages/smartlink/ just compiled fine for me (obviously I can't test it). HTH, James. -- E-mail address: james@ | "OPENING LINES OF THE 23RD PSALM westexe.demon.co.uk | Original version: | The Lord is my Shepherd, I'll not want." | -- "The Independent" thinks David spoke English