Walkanaers -- Installing R using RPMS on FC2: If you are inexperienced with linux, it is probably easiest to use RPMs (and some people argue that it is asking for problems to install without RPMs on an RPM system). Select a mirror from the page at the CRAN link under Download on the left on the R project homepage, http://www.r-project.org. Get the package using a browser. For FC2, the package is in the directory /bin/linux/redhat/Fedora2/i386. For example, you may want to use a mirror at L'Universite de Lyon, you could point mozilla at the directory http://cran.univ-lyon1.fr/bin/linux/redhat/Fedora2/i386/, and select the newest RPM file (currently R-1.9.1-0.fdr.1.2.i386.rpm) and save it to disk. In the directory where you saved the .rpm file, become root and install using rpm: # rpm -i R-1.9.1-0*rpm The ReadMe file in the same directory on the web as the RPM has some information about dependencies for the package in case you get an error. It is also possible (and mostly automated) to compile R from source. At this point, RPMs are posted only for i386 (32-bit), so you have to compile your own if you want to run in 64-bits on x86_64. To make a 64-bit version, download the source from the R mirror home page (under Source Code in the second big box on the mirror page). Unpack using % tar -xzf R-1.9.1-*tgz >From: walkanaers@xxxxxxx: >How can I install R for math/statistics on Fedora 2, what are the commands in >the terminal mode to install and run the package? Walkanaers -- Change directory to the unpacked soure directory % cd R-1.9.1 and look at the file INSTALL for directions (probably ./configure; make; make test and then make install as root will work). This is pretty much the same approach to getting any package in linux; consult a local guru for more details. If you do compile your own, R does not seem to like UTF-8 fonts (although I saw no problems beyond an initial warning. I suggest becoming root and editing /usr/local/bin/R to insert LANG=en_US export LANG after the first line. (I assume en_US could be changed to fr_FR or whatever.) -- Phil PS To run R, just type R at the command prompt: % R