On Fri, 16 Jul 2004, Patrick wrote:
On Fri, 16 Jul 2004 13:03:41 -0500 (CDT), you wrote:
I used up2date so I guess it did something as far as upgrading the kernel the wrong way. I haven't run anything else as far as the RPM package manager (unless up2date ran it).
Up2date is not supporsed to delete the old kernels (in this case 2188). I'm not sure what what the cause for this mess.
rpm -q kernel gives: 2.4.22-1.2197.mptl (this is the same as the directory name under /lib/modules)
From doing a Google on "reboot to new kernel", it would seem that I am going to have to recompile the kernel on my server. Does this sound correct? Is this okay to do without being physically there at the machine (in case something happens)?
No, just reboot.
You already have kernel-2197 installed - and grub (in /boot/grub/menu.lst) should have an entry for it. Now when you reboot - this new version of the kernel (2197 - which is already installed) will be the active one.
The 2188 kernel that is currently active/running is deleted from the disk - so you are on some shakey ground. Usually active processes continue to work (eventhough the files are deleted on disk) - until some reload from disk is necessary.
Also, I don't know if it matters any but I am using Ensim to manage my web server (different domains for the same company).
Sorry - don't know about this..