On Wed, 2004-07-14 at 10:05, Chris A Czerwinski wrote: > > > Red Hat/Fedora keeps moving the finishing line again before everyone > will nearly reaches it e.g. because October is coming up so that means > upgrade time. > --- yes --- > Okay - so what is being done in FC3 to resolve FC2's open issues. > Can anyone respond? > What changes are there to make it worth my trouble to upgrade? --- that's a question you have to decide for yourself. --- > > 1. The idea of "NO need of Floppy Disk to help out an installation" is > that a definite way that Fedora is going? or are you guys going the > enterprise way and not telling? --- the kernel has gotten too large to fit on a floppy disk --- > > 2. Will there be a proper UPGRADE script rather if all fails (most often > from this list) then the only solution is a FRESH INSTALL > (this should really be a SHOW Stopper) --- if you want perfection, Fedora isn't for you. --- > > There hasn't been any forth coming news that these and other issues will > be resolved in FC3. How about - will FC3 respond to some of the > application developers' needs? Because we are open to all ideas and > trying to help each other and what response can be given and by when? > > Maybe a little news as to what FC3 will/can do may clear up some of our > predisposed ideas, especially like mine or some others who were > unceremoniously flamed. > > Is there anyone who will provide some insight into FC3? --- FC 3 isn't on topic here. This list is for official releases only and there is a fedora-testing list for release candidates (testing) which is what FC 3 is until it is released. As you have probably noticed, there is a lot of traffic on this list and it doesn't need the extra burden of discussing off topic releases. Craig