Ok, I tried the variations on the compilation procedures, and I'm still
getting the same error. I also erroneously reported the error in make
modules, when its actually (having seen it again) in make modules install.
The error again: when running make modules install
unresolved symbols in binfmt_elf.0
I deduce you are using the 2.4 series kernel. I would do:
make mrproper x2
copy .config
make oldconfig
make menuconfig
make dep clean bzImage modules
"make mrproper" run once, but in some situations it is needed to run
"make oldconfig" twice. So to be on the safe side run it (make
oldconfig) always more than 1 time.
Replying to both msg's at once.
I did do make oldconfig twice (noted that on the maillist
Thanks to Alexander for the correction.
Now the make dep clean bzImage modules,
is this a combination of make dep, make bzImage, make modules?
It runs each one in turn and if any fails it stops.
do I'd then follow up with?:
make modules_install
make install
Yep make modules_install install as root.