Pedro Fernandes Macedo wrote:
Colin Paul Adams wrote:
"Aaron" == Aaron Gaudio <prothonotar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
Aaron> In the meantime, you can try gnomemeeting (for Linux) and
Aaron> netmeeting (for Winblows).
And when I'm Linux only, and she's Windows only?
Then she can use netmeeting (comes with windows , at least in windows
xp) and you use gnomemeeting.. If you have a firewall , you'll need to
punch a few holes through it... (I say few , but one of them is huge..
It means opening udp ports from 5000 to 65000)
Pedro Macedo
Get this, NetMeeting is actualy hidden in Windoze XP, you have to input
some strange command in the start menu, just to get it to work.