Hi, I've just started to use Fedora and I must say its the only Linux distro I've tried with a GUI thats felt as slick as WinXP and MasOC X so well done on that! I usually try to install and use *nix (tried SUSE, Mandrake & FreeBSD so far)on my spare PC every 9 months or so but give up in frustration shortly afterwords when I try and get things configured. Fedora seems to be allot nicer to get set-up and running though, so things are looking good! I'm still having some problems getting my apache/mysql installation going, its mainly things like how to be able to copy files (myphpadmin to be exact) in the file browser(explorer/finder like app) without having to log in as SU/root, I know how to use SU in a terminal but how do I do it in the file browser? Also can anyone tell me the terminal copy command for copying a directory and its contents (files & folders) to another location? While I am at it what is your opinions on Oreilly's 'Linux in a Nutshell' book? I want to get a good book that will introduce me into how Linux works and as a command/system reference while I get my feet would this book be suitible for this? Amazon link to 'Linux in a Nutshell': http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/ASIN/0596004826/ref=ord_cart_shr/026-2807847-2059656?%5Fencoding=UTF8&m=A3P5ROKL5A1OLE Cheers, DanielB