I configured "virtusertable", "sendmail.cf", "local-host-names and DNS Sever setting according to sendmail.org/virtual hosting doc.
But, Can't work virtual hosting?
What's wrong in My Configure?
How can I do?
You are not supposed to edit sendmail.cf directly. Please edit sendmail.mc *if* necessary, then restart Sendmail to have the changes take effect.
Some questions:
1. Does the user "ceoseconddomain" exist on the system?
2. Does DNS point "seconddomain" to this IP address?
3. Your "local-host-name" shows "secondomain.com" with one "d" in "domain" but your virtusertable shows "seconddomain.com" with two "dd" letters in the word. Is this a typo mistake?
-- Rodolfo J. Paiz rpaiz@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx http://www.simpaticus.com