Either I'm doing doing something wrong or there's a bug somewhere. I'm trying to launch a Java application from a launcher icon on my stock FC2 desktop but it doesn't want to stay launched. Symptom: After creating and then launching the desktop icon, the app starts and looks just like normal. But it only lasts about 5 seconds and then disappears. Gone without a trace. I had a few java apps running on my FC1 desktop without any problems, including the one I'm trying to start now, JBidWatcher. I grabbed a couple other Java apps and the same thing happens to them also. All these apps start and run just dandy in gnome-terminal but when I start them from a launcher icon, they die. Here's my icon info that doesn't work. The exact same one on FC1 *did* work: [Desktop Entry] Encoding=UTF-8 Version=1.0 Type=Application Exec=java -jar JBidWatch-0.9.3pre2.jar TryExec= X-GNOME-DocPath= Terminal=true Name[en_US]=JBidWatcher GenericName[en_US]= Comment[en_US]= I've tried a couple different Java packages with the same results. Can anyone else confirm this behavior or maybe offer any suggestions?