I'm having some difficulty using the nvidia src rpm from livna.org. when I run: [root@FC2-Work wayne]# rpmbuild --rebuild -ta nvidia-driver-1.0.5336-0.lvn.3.1.src.rpm I get an error: error: Failed build dependencies: kernel-source = 2.6.6was.1 is needed by nvidia-driver-1.0.5336-0.lvn.3.1 I'm running a custom kernel with the extracted tarball in ~/linux-2.6.6. I tried copying the contents of that folder to /usr/src/linux-2.6.6was.1 thinking that since that's where the default kernel source is. I'm guessing that it's looking for a corresponding rpm instead. I'm not really sure though, if someone could help shine some light on this for me, I would be grateful. Wayne Steenburg