Steve Pyatt wrote:
I'm running FC2 and have my swap setup on a separate drive. It was formatted as a swap and everything looks good in /etc/fstab. However every time I reboot I have to run a mkswap and swapon against it. Is there any thoughts on this? Or is there anyway I can get that done on
My fstab has this for swap. Is yours the same?boot?
/dev/hda3 swap swap defaults
0 0
Except mine is hda1
I wonder if that is the reason.?
You implied that FC2 is installed on a different drive, and this shows that swap is the first partition on the first drive (the one containing the MBR). While I don't know that this would have an effect, I have never done a system that way. I usually put swap on a later partition on the first drive or on a later drive.
What happens if you relocate this swap partiton to a later drive, for example, move it to be hdc and update the fstab accordingly. (assuming your drive with FC2 is hdb or some such.)
You may need to install grub on a different drive to do this.