On Wed, 2004-06-09 at 23:54, Wayne Steenburg wrote: > > Linux is easy, lazy people critise, curse and fail. > > > Not trying to 'criticize', but ... :) You are missing the point, I need a complete fedora distro like MDK so that we can ship the std disks with our mass produced computers. Our company is making a huge dent in the PC market here in SA with Linux. to configure each PC one by one is timely. I have in full production 50 employees of which 22 are builders / software loaders. Yes I do have disk duplicators and yes I do save images, But they are huge! Becuase there are very few if any disk duplicators that can actually manage the Linux file systems. So if you have an 80 gig hard drive you get an 80 image of it regardless of whether or not the drive is full, it still take 20 to 30 mins at a speed of 1.6GB/min to dump linux hard drives. It is time consuming and I am very impatent :-> . But as I said "wibble wish" -- ****************************************************************** Chadley Wilson Soon 2 B RHCE Linux Rocks Welcome to my world. Enjoy the adventures of Linux *************************************************** Linux is easy, lazy people critise, curse and fail.