On Sun, 6 Jun 2004 08:28:51 -0700 (PDT), Mac <mrmack1@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I have been unable to automatically mount the Windows directory in FC2. When FC2 is loading I get this failure message:
I have the following in my fstab:
/dev/hdb1 /mnt/windows vfat auto,users,gid=windows,umask=0007 0 0
and a group called "windows", which contains all the users that I want to be able to write to the Windows partition. I originally had this in RH7.3 (8.0, 9, FC1) and it still works now in FC2, so it seems pretty future proof :)
Of course, you would have to change hdb1 to match whatever yours is, and remember to create a "windows" group with your username in it...
-- Dylan Parry http://www.webpageworkshop.co.uk - FREE Web tutorials and references