Folks, Ok... I have come to the conclusion that upgrading from FC1 to FC2 is a disaster. DO NOT DO IT UNLESS YOU WANT TO WASTE YOUR TIME or if you want to spend time finding and repairing the mess! GNOME fails MISERABLY! The sounds system is MISERABLY installed and DOES NOT WORK. It is a FREAKING MESS!!! Proof: Starting login process in GNOME results: 1) xprop -root | grep XKB gconfigtool-2 -R /desktop/gnome/perhiperals/keyboard/xkb 2) "An error occurred while loading or saving configuration information for gnome_segv. Some of your configuration settings may not work properly. (the screen froze up and cannot do a damn thing except reboot) 3) Unable to access /dev/dsp (warning message) NO FREAKING SOUND! NOTE: ALSA is NOT installed in the usual places as taken from the ALSA Organization. It is a REDHAT configuration. DUH!! 4) Updates from FC2 says there is a PHP ready for upgrade but the freaking dependency thing says that installing it WILL BREAK SEVERAL (MANY MANY) DEPENDENCIES thoughout the entire system!!! What is the point of upgrading this? FC1 was MUCH more stable and working!!! It has it problems but the DAMN THING WORKS BETTER THAN FC2!!! THIS IS NOT A STABLE RELEASE. TESTING WAS NOT THROUGH!!! NOT READY FOR PRIME TIME!!! AAAAARRRRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!! -\|/-\|/- OK.... Ok.... ok.... taking a breather.... that was for upgrades. NEVER NEVER AGAIN. ROUND 2: FRESH VIRGIN INSTALL. REINSTALL MY PERSONAL STUFF ALL OVER AGAIN. DAMMIT. Lets see how this goes. The saga continues. -- Open WebMail Project (