Look into Firestarter:
gui setup, a knowledgeable group who contribute to a very helpful
email list. Your needs sound like they're for a very high level
of security. You probably should also look into ways of hardening
the machine that is the firewall.
Kevin F. Berrien wrote:
I'm intersted in building a bastion firewall for the following
sistuation. Have a closed network (police dept). There are no
crosses to the internet. However, we'd like VERY LIMITED access by
the Windows DC server for the following: Windows update (via SUS),
Symantec AV updates, VNC/or remote desktop connection to 1 or 2
workstations on our WAN.
Thus, I want to limit all traffic except various protocols/ports
between specific IP's/URL's.
Certianly FC and iptables can do this, does anyone recommend a
configuration utility, start off scripts, etc? Should I be looking
more into LRP (now defunct), etc? My iptables knowledge is not great
(did it years ago), so some configuration utility would be great, and
my co-workers isn't experienced in this area at all.