Satish: I did a little digging too, now that I knew what to look for, and came up with amongst other sites also offering similar information. A bit of man tput and man terminfo also helped. Long story short, I changed my PS1 as follows: SAVE_CRS=`tput sc 2> /dev/null` RESET_CRS=`tput rc 2> /dev/null` CLOCKPOS=`tput cup 0 $(($HZ-10)) 2> /dev/null` FOREG=`tput setaf 1 2> /dev/null` ALT_FOREG=`tput setaf 3 2> /dev/null` BACKG=`tput setab 0 2> /dev/null` NORMAL=`tput sgr0 2> /dev/null` BOLD=`tput bold 2> /dev/null` PS1="\[${BOLD}${FOREG}\]\u@\h \W\\$\[${NORMAL}\] " unset SAVE_CRS unset RESET_CRS unset CLOCKPOS unset FOREG unset ALT_FOREG unset BACKG unset NORMAL unset BOLD I'm not using most of the defined parameters, but I'm keeping them around for reference. -- Bill Gradwohl YCC (817) 224-9400 x211 SPAMstomper Protected E-mail