Hi: I wanna install apt in one fedora box, this box have onle few packages installed, and before the installation I wanna know waht dependecies has the apt rpm file. Anybody know which rpm query will give me the desired results? Some like... rpm -q<option> apt-i386.rpm Depends on: glibc >= xx.x common-something-1.4 Note: If I try to install directly, some dependencies are files or libraries, not packages, and I need the packages to install properly the apt package ;) Thanks! David Ballester Montolio Responsable de Sistemas y Comunicaciones Kern Pharma, S.L. www.kernpharma.com Personalmente, mis problemas de suministro de software legal se limitan a averiguar qué debo poner detrás de "apt-get install ..." omni en barrapunto Que parte de /sbin/ifconfig eth0|grep 'inet'|awk -F' ' '{print $2}'|sed -e s/addr:// no entiendes? :) GNU!