James B. Byrne wrote:
I am exploring LDAP on FC1 with the desire to eventually use it to register mail accounts for cyrus imapd service. I am still in the "brick wall" portion of the learning curve so I have a lot of unanswered questions, but I will start with one. Why are there two (2) ldap.conf files in fedora C1? One is in /etc and the other is in /etc/openldap. Neither bear any resemblance to the other and both are touched when ldap is configured from the gnome app that come with fedora.
Someone correct me if I'm blatantly wrong, but I believe "/etc/openldap/ldap.conf" is the OpenLDAP server configuration file, whereas "/etc/ldap.conf" is read by processes that want to use LDAP, for example the LDAP PAM module.
I am reading the OpenLDAP 2.2 admin guide dated 25 Feb. 2004 but I must say that I am not having a great deal of success. I anyone has a recipe for getting a plain vanilla openldap install working that they are willing to share then I would be most grateful.
I would just install the OpenLDAP server RPMs, then use "ntsysv" to add "slapd" to your default runlevel. Or, execute "/etc/init.d/slapd start" to start the LDAP server immediately. If you're interested in a nice interface to LDAP, I like the web-based PHPLdapAdmin client: http://phpldapadmin.sf.net
If these don't work, or you have a more specific question to ask with regards to OpenLDAp not working (e.g. "I try to start OpenLDAP and I get this error message") then please repost to the list with more detail.