I've learned that if I set the /var/spool/mail folder permission to 777, I no longer get the following error. Mailbox Vulnerable - Directory /var/spool/mail must have 1777 protection It seems odd that something requires worldwriteable access to the /var/spool/mail folder. However, the main problem persists that if I use kmail to retrieve email from the pop3 server, the /var/spool/mail/user email file gets written with the message: >From MAILER-DAEMON Thu Apr 22 11:50:17 2004 Date: 22 Apr 2004 11:50:17 -0700 From: Mail System Internal Data <MAILER-DAEMON@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Subject: DON'T DELETE THIS MESSAGE -- FOLDER INTERNAL DATA Message-ID: <1082659817@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> X-IMAP: 1082659816 0000000002 Status: RO This text is part of the internal format of your mail folder, and is not a real message. It is created automatically by the mail system software. If deleted, important folder data will be lost, and it will be re-created with the data reset to initial values. A few people have hinted that imapd writes this to a mail file to keep track of which emails have been read. How can this be happening if I have the imapd disabled?