Hello fellow fedora ppl, And the question has been asked before but I have search the archives and google with no joy, I also searched freshmeat but I can afford the time to try each app there. Apart from screem and bluefish is there a fronpage or dreamweaver type app for linux yet. I really need something to tackle the absolute basics for me, I have brushed up on my html but I am running out of time. with screem and blue fish I have got to do a lot of tagging for simple things like headings and paragraphs, surely there is something that can generate the website in a wysiwyg style similar to dreamweaver and frontpage? -- Chadley - Linux Rocks Welcome to my world. ****************************************************************** This mail is free for distribution. You are free to - delete it - resend it - use it in anyway that makes you happy. I am not responsible for it or its content due to ignorance. Enjoy the adventures of Linux *******************************************************************