Brian Chase wrote:
Try google search on "rsync over ssh". I think that will be more
efficient for what you're trying to do.
Amen, brother. rsync is the way to go if that sort of thing will be
done fairly frequently. rsync over ssh if you want it secure.
Horacio Reyes wrote:
I am using scp to copy large amount of small files between 2 servers
with a firewall in the middle, but the copy takes all CPU, this is the
- The files are copied in batch of 100 tif images, in a directory with
more than 5 million files.
- the server that initiate the scp is a 1.2Ghz P3 with 2G in ram, the
receiver is a double Xeon 2.6ghz with 2G in ram. The first server takes
no time to send the file, but the receiver takes more than 200segs to
copy. They are in a 100mb lan.
- the top comand shows 98% free cpu before the scp, when scp start it
takes 100% of the 2 xeon cpu. The problem is not the ram, both servers
have more than 1G free when scp starts.
I tried with all the SCP flags (-q, -c blowfish, etc), and nothing
Horacio Reyes Rios
Eng. Director.
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- Rick Stevens, Senior Systems Engineer rstevens@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx -
- VitalStream, Inc. -
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- Careful! Ugly strikes 9 out of 10 people! -