>Two more questions. >#1 - What do you do with an mbox that is infected? On my scan it said >there was something infected in evolution. How do I find out what email >that is? >#2 - It turned up infected messages in Pan. Is there any way to filter >these? >Preston Hi Preston, I'm not saying this is the "best" solution, but this is what one of our people (Brian Young) does for one client: (Things you need to change are inside square brackets: "[.*]"... He set up a shell script: #!/bin/sh # Don't run this in the actual mail directory (/var/spool/mail, for example!) # Get mail box info echo "Enter Users Mailbox Name" read fname # Clear any old message files from current directory # rm -f mail* (if you're feeling confident!) (but there shouldn't be any anyway!) rm mail* # copy mailbox to local directory. cp [path-to-mailbox-to-be-scanned]/$fname . # Set rights (as you are probably running as root.) chown $fname $fname chgrp mail $fname chmod 660 $fname # split the mailbox into individual messages (kludgy) # formail comes with procmail, writeit is a Perl program (below) cat $fname|formail -s ./writeit # Scan the component messages, remove infected files # The log file can go anywhere, make sure it's a valid path you have rw to. clamscan --mbox -r --log=[path-to]/viruses.txt --remove mail* # Glue the remaining files together and move back to original location cat mail* > $fname rm -f mail* mv -f $fname [path-to-mailbox-to-be-scanned] # Send a note describing the mess to yourself sendmail [youremail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] < [path-to]/viruses.txt rm -f [path-to]/viruses.txt Writeit "Program" #!/usr/bin/perl undef $count; open (C, "<[path-to]/count"); while (<C>) {if (! $count) {$count=$_;}} close C; open (C, ">count"); $count++; print C "$count"; close C; open (OUT, ">mail$count.mbx"); #Leave mail, but replace broker with users mailbox name while (<STDIN>) {print OUT "$_"}; close OUT; Count File Make a file called [path-to]/count with 0 as the first line I'd play with this on a *copy* of the mail until you get it working the way you want it to... Bob