jludwig became daring and sent these 0.3K bytes, > Anyone who uses Linux and does not try to return in some way for what > they have received is - - - - We can't say such things here. Nobody is obligated to return anything what-so-ever, and furthermore this entire thread is moot. There will and always will be diversity, elitest people out there sometimes justified and sometimes not. The point is complaining about it and proposing annoying psuedo-solutions about it and a waste of time and driving home a point everyone already knows. Oh well, so much for tollerance. -- 0 1 0 Aaron M Matteson - GnuPG:0xD144B7FF 0 0 1 Real programmers don't document. If it was hard to write, 1 1 1 it should be hard to understand! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://cryptosystem.us/ - Ongoing project http://cryptosystem.us/blog/ - Blog http://mindstorm.ath.cx:8080/ - Wiki