Hi: I've several machines with Fedora, all of them execute a croned backup script of my own, and sends report mails. All runs ok but in one machine never runs. The script runs well if launched by hand as root. But if I make an entry in the root crontab ( crontab -e and '54 15 1-5 * * /root/copia_seguretat.sh' ) never occurs. Taking a look to the /var/log/cron I can see this message: "Mar 10 15:54:00 INFOPICK crond[13011]: (tmp.12197) ORPHAN (no passwd entry)" Googling this message i have some explanations about when this can occur, but all of them says that this happens when the user that launches the cron job as no entry in /etc/passwd. The problem is that is root, and last night I received the logwatch executed daily by cron ¿? Any tip? Regards and TIAS David Ballester Montolio Responsable de Sistemas y Comunicaciones Kern Pharma, S.L. www.kernpharma.com GNU!