Around 03:22pm on Sunday, March 07, 2004 (UK time), Steve Bergman scrawled: > On a related note, I've never quite understood the rabid fanatics' > position. If you insist upon using pine and mutt because of their > supposed "power" and "flexibility", don't complain when you receive > stuff that pine and mutt don't handle well. Frankly, I think it makes > us look like a bunch of uncivilized cavemen to the rest of the world. > I consider myself a very civilized caveman, otherwise I might have got quite angry at this remark. And if being a caveman means I understand and use computers in a better way than all the civilized GUI mail client users, then I am quite happy with that. This email was proudly produced by mutt and vi Steve -- (o< //\ Powered by Red Hat Linux V_/_ No MS products were used in the creation of this message 3:29pm up 1 day, 55 min, 0 users, load average: 0.12, 0.17, 0.16
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