I've created a kickstart CD which installs Fedora Core 1 with "X", Gnome, and Printing Services as the only options. It turns off all the (many) unneeded services, messes with inittab a bit and reboots into a remote X login from the server using DHCP to get it's network address.
This rather minimal installation requires all 3 CDs. I could have sworn that I have done similar installations of Fedora and it only required 1, or at most 2. It was installing Japanese fonts and stuff from the 3rd CD which are quite unnecessary for this installation. I've confirmed the software installation selections in the ks.cfg file. About 1500MB of stuff was installed. Anyone know if ?maybe I'm making a silly mistake somewhere? Do I need gnome if all I want from it is the ability to run redhat-config-printer in gui mode? How can I trim this down?
Any ideas greatly appreciated!
-Steve Bergman