I've been struggling to get a remote X desktop to so I can run GUI apps on the Fedora box (downstairs) on my Windows box (upstairs). After screwing around with various X-servers, I switched over to VNC today. It's incredibly easy! Here's a brief how-to for those interested. 1. Install VNC server. As root, I used up2date vnc-server 2. After it installed chkconfig --levels 345 vncserver on cd /etc/sysconfig vi vncservers I added a line VNCSERVERS="1:myuserid" and to create an XSession on display #1 and saved the file. /sbin/service vncserver start to start the service 3. Logged out, logged back in with "myuserID". vncserver It prompts for a password to be used for the VNC connection. cd .vnc vi xstartup I changed this file to start the normal BlueCurve desktop instead of a bare twm session by commenting out the line twm& and adding exec gnome-session & 4. On the PC, I installed the VNC viewer from http://www.realvnc.com. To connect to the linux box, I connect to mylinuxhost:1 -- Steve