Am Mi, den 25.02.2004 schrieb Chadley Wilson um 17:53: > Guys > What does this do? > I had to install it to install KPopup. > > But what is it? Hi Chadley! 1. Do NOT use kpopup < 0.95, it has a security whole. The only fixed verson is 0.96pre1, see: 2. QT is toolkit for UserInterfaces, KDE depends on it while Gnome uses GTK+/GTK2. IF you use Gnome I suggest Linpopup2 (If you were using KDE you'd already have qt installed, so I think you are running Gnome) There's not much use installing a whole lot of qt-libs (qt-devel, kdebase-devel and kdelibs-devel are around 200 mb I think) only to run/build one small program like kpopup. Also certain features like the tray icon will not work in Gnome. Christoph