I am currently trying to get TiLP (http://tilp.info/) to work on my
system running FC1. It is crashing with a segfault and I believe the
problem has to do with a test version of one of the libraries that it
requires that I have compiled and installed. I did not use RPMs to
install the libraries (libtifiles, libticalcs, libticables), but
compiled and installed them (./configure, then make, then sudo make
install). My question is, can I get the older stagle version of one of
these libraries, compile and install them right over the top of the
newer version? Or is there a way to uninstall the library before
compiling and installing the new one. Any glaring pitfalls? Thank you.
Michael Aguirre Office: PHYS 233
Graduate Assistant Hours: M 3:30-4:30 TR 2-3
Department of Physics Phone: (479) 575-7364
University of Arkansas E-mail: mpaguir@xxxxxxxx