Good day, Disclaimer: less than a months worth of Linux experience
under my belt. Ok, so I have mounted a few directories in the
/etc/fstab to allow chroot jailed ftp users to access directories outside their
home dir. No problem. For the last hour I have been trying to do the same thing
for a user to have ftp access to their www folder from their home
directory. And it just wont work Can anyone shed some light on this
for me? Here is my fstab file: ################## LABEL=/
ext3 defaults 1 1 LABEL=/boot
ext3 defaults 1 2 none
devpts gid=5,mode=620 0 0 none
proc defaults 0 0 none
tmpfs defaults 0 0 /dev/hda3
swap defaults 0 0 /dev/cdrom
udf,iso9660 noauto,owner,kudzu,ro 0 0 /dev/fd0
auto noauto,owner,kudzu 0 0 #mount download folder to ftp music user directory /home/ftp/downloads
/home/jwp2/downloads none
rw,bind 0 0 /home/ftp/downloads /home/eric/downloads
none rw,bind
0 0 /home/ftp/downloads
/home/smitty/downloads none
rw,bind 0 0 /home/ftp/downloads
/home/dennis/downloads none
rw,bind 0 0 /home/ftp/downloads /home/john/downloads
none rw,bind
0 0 /home/ftp/downloads
/home/andy/downloads none
rw,bind 0 0 #mount upload directory for ftp music users /home/ftp/uploads
/home/john/uploads none
rw.bind 0 0 #mount web directory to web user directory /var/www/
/home/camille/ none
rw,bind 0 0 ######## This works fine for all but the last line??
(the command [# mount --bind /var/www/
/home/Camille/] works just fine) On boot-up I get an error, fs type none not
recognized by kernel?? Which would make sense if it applied to all the
previous mounts which work just fine? Can anyone help me out here? Thanks, JP |