Am Di, den 10.02.2004 schrieb WipeOut um 13:35: > /var/www/ > html > logs > cgi-bin > /var/www/ > html > logs > cgi-bin we did it as follows: a) create new groups www-dom1 www-dom2 www-dom.. b) chgrp www-dom1 /var/www/ chgrp www-dom2 /var/www/ c) chmod g+rws /var/www/ chmod g+rws /var/www/ d) add all users, who should manage a domain to the respecive group *and* the user apache is running as (usually apache). This is a small security risk, because the server has write permissions. Alternatively you may chown the dirs to the apache user and revoke write permissions. e) you may create a symbolic link from each users home dir