Basically following on from the "Apache permissions" discussion..
I have a number of namebased apache virtual servers on my web server.. Something that has always been a major problem is getting it to work properly when it comes to allowing certain users to upload files and manage the sites..
Apache uses a default working directory of /var/www..
So I created the following structure for my virtual servers..
/var/www/www.domain1.com/ html logs cgi-bin /var/www/www.domain2.com/ html logs cgi-bin /var/www/www.domain3.com/ html logs cgi-bin etc..
Then in my httpd.conf I setup the name based virtual servers to use the "html" dir for the web pages, the "logs" dir for logs and the "cgi-bin" for cgi's..
The only access to the server for adding and updating files is SSH or SCP (I don't have FTP on the server at all)..
Now for the problem.. Whenever pages are updated on one of the sites I have to go and make sure the permissions are correct using "root" to go and reset the permissions..
There must be an easier way!! How do all these control panel systems get it right?
I want to be able to say to user1, that he can manage domain1.com and not have to always go in and sort out the permissions when he is finished.. Same for user2 managing domain2..
What would be really nice is if user1 did not have access to domain2 eiather and was only alowed to play in his own domain..
If anyone knows how hosting providers get this setup I would really like to know how its done.. The only how-to's I have found seem to tell you how setup the apache virtual servers but not how to manage the users who will be using and running the server and the permissions of those servers..