are there a descent mp3 player for fedora ?
xmms works just fine, but is initially not config'd for mp3. If you prefer .mp3 over .ogg format, you'll need to install the xmms-mp3 plugin. If you have yum configured, you could install it (along with some other xmms plugins, such as a cd-player plugin which is cool!) by
# yum install xmms*
as a quick aside on a related matter, I was poking around for an mp3 encoder for Grip, when I found that FC1 has Lame on it. Lame was a piece-of-cake to use to covert a .wav file to .mp3 using:
lame nameofsong.wav
from the command line. It does seem odd that RH would be reluctant to include mp3 player compatibility, but they do include an mp3 encoder such as lame. Not complaining...just curious.