I have fedora core 1, and KDE control center ver 3.1.4-4 Red Hat. I have hade booth 2.4.22-1.2149.nptl and the previews kernel. The same problem. The machin it´s config for is i686, but i want to have AMD athlon, and make some other changes. My problem is when I try to get in to KDE Control Center-->System Administration-->Linux Kernel I get the following error message: Sorry The kernel configuration could not be read due to the following error: /usr/src7linux-2.4/drivers/net/wan/Config.in, line 86: then ^parse error either your kernel sources contain invalid configuration rules or you just foud a bug in the KDE Kernel Configuratior. Were do I go from here? How may I fix this problem? Thanx/Johan ****************************************************************** Johan Nilsson Sernandersväg 8:418 752 61 Uppsala tel 018-461236 mobil 0739-483464 ******************************************************************