Steve Saady wrote:
I have a Promise Ultra 66 eide controller, but think it is only being
acessed at 33 Mhz. I have looked around, but have not found how to
ascertain what rate Fedora is using it at.
Is there a way to configure FC1 to use it at 66MHz?
dmesg|more :
ide: Assuming 33MHz system bus speed for PIO modes; override with idebus=xx
I added idebus=66 to /etc/grub.conf, so my boot line now looks like:
kernel /vmlinuz-2.6.1-1.53smp ro root=LABEL=/ apm=off idebus=66
should work with the nominal FC1 kernel as well. Really boosted my
disk I/O speed.
Hope this helps,
-Bob Arendt