I've ran into 2 problems with scanning on my FC1,this my be OT but I've run out of options searching the net looking for info.
1. I scan a text doc into xsane, save it as .pbm/.pnm, after using xsane ocr but using less to read the file shows it as binary or uninteligable. Using gocr does not change the text using the CLI "gocr -v 1 out1.pnm >out.txt 2>out.log"
.pbm and .pnm are graphics formats. less -should- be reporting them as binary. There's a difference between saving the scan (which is an image) and saving the results of ocr (which should save into a file like 'foo.txt').
I notice, however, that FC1 doesn't appear to have gocr availible.
Undeterred, I grabbed ftp://www.itp.tu-graz.ac.at/pub/redhat/itp/SRPM/gocr-0.37-2.src.rpm
and did a rpmbuild --rebuild on it, then installed the result.
From inside xsane, pressing the ocr button successfully invoked gocr and saved the result into 'out.txt' as I'd specified. It did a lousy job on a 72dpi scan, but performed -much- better on a 200dpi scan. The 200dpi ocr took a minute or two to complete.
2. When I scan a photo from my hp psc2110 into xsane save it then print it out the flesh colours always change,if I view via the gimp there is no difference to the original photo.
Does your printer have a way for you do adjust it's color settings? It sounds like that's where your issue is.