<snip>On Tue, 2004-01-20 at 00:13, Michael Kearey wrote:
Emiliano Brunetti wrote:
<snip>Ok, i tried again. Your srpms compiles fine, i have all the packages needed to compile. It fires up but doesn't work and sometimes crashes.
If i start from command line, here is what happens if i try to uninstall cdrecord:
[root@brunettie i386]# kpackage kbuildsycoca running...
konsole_grantpty: cannot revoke /dev/ttyp0. Reason: Function not implemented konsole: chownpty failed for device /dev/ptyp0::/dev/ttyp0. : This means the session can be eavesdroped. : Make sure konsole_grantpty is installed in : /usr/bin/ and setuid root. [root@brunettie i386]# rpm -q cdrecord cdrecord-2.01-0.a19.2 [root@brunettie i386]# Mutex destroy failure: Device or resource busy
Some errors, then i exit and cdrecord is still there. And after some seconds the very last error.
I am a bit lost, will now try tarball from kde. I know this isn't a devel list, just wondering whether this happens also on your system (remember, kpackage apparently works fine, only if i really try to use it with local rpm db i get all this) or it is something specific of my systems.
Yes, it does same on my system. The error reports that konsole_grantpty needs to be suid, I will experiment and see what I come up with.
Odd that I was able to install ethereal and net-snmp no problems. Just un-installing seems to fail.
Like I said, using the package is not a great idea if you don't know what you are doing ;)
Cheers, Michael