Am Sa, den 10.01.2004 schrieb Technical um 05:06: > thanks but I am sure that there people out there that hate buttom > posting.... how am I going to please all There is a long practice in this and it exists some basic rules for posting to mailinglists, known under the name 'netiquette', making life easier for all. Please see and read for some details. Another one on And please respect it. Thank you. Alexander P.S. I know, it's a terrible fight against ignorance and lazyness. But do you a favour and think about the reason behind the netiquette rules. -- Alexander Dalloz | Enger, Germany PGP key valid: made 13.07.1999 PGP fingerprint: 2307 88FD 2D41 038E 7416 14CD E197 6E88 ED69 5653