I installed FC 1, and mrtg...
I created a separate userid (mrtg) where I keep the mrtg config file, and an html directory where mrtg puts the files it creates.
So I have /home/mrtg/html directory with permissions 755 so everybody can read it.
mrtg runs as a daemon as user mrtg... and that works fine, I see the files get updated every few minutes...
Apache serves pages from /var/www/html
so I created a symbolic link called mrtg --> /home/mrtg/html
The idea being that if I go to http://localhost/mrtg then it will show me the files.... but I get a 403 Forbidden error
Apache is configured to "follow symlinks", and in fact I created another link in /var/www/html:
ln -s ../mrtg mrtghelp
And when I go to http://localhost/mrtghelp I get the mrtg doc files displayed properly... so "follow links" works
I thought it may have been because there's no index.html file in /home/mrtg/html and things weren't set up to allow a directory listing.... so I tried looking at a specific file... same error; then I created the index.html file ... same error.
What I can't figure out is where is this 403 error coming from?
From root I also changed permission of /home/mrtg to 755 ... nope, still get the 403 error
The documentation for mrtg just says the files have to be in a directory "visible to apache".... but it doesn't discuss how that's done ....
Any suggestions?
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When I tried out mrtg for a trial. It made a directory under /var/www/html/mrtg . I could see the directory. (maybe I'm thinking about htdig, but same idea)
Also, I am under the understanding that your root directory for apache is /var/www/html. It cannot see any directories further back into the system path. (I believe it is chrooted this way for security reasons.)
If you need a home directory for your mrtg user, try to make the home somewhere further forward from /var/www/html/
Just my novice experience with httpd,