I have looked high and low for everything I need for gimp 1.3.22 and so far all I've found is that the dependancies for gimp have dependancies for their dependancies. I've basicly got a bone stock install of Fedora Core 1 and an rpm from Matthias in fedora-list #335. This gimp has several dependancies I've been unable to install for one reason or another. A couple reinstalls of fedora ago, I managed to get gimp 1.3.22 installed and working like a dream, unfortunatly due to my noob'ness I ganked my install and had to install again .. and haven't been able to find an rpm that'll install, an updated repo for either yum or apt-get. Here is my latest attempt at installing gimp .. [root@localhost Downloads]# rpm -Uvh gimp-1.3.22-1.fr.i386.rpm error: Failed dependencies: libexif is needed by gimp-1.3.22-1.fr libexif.so.9 is needed by gimp-1.3.22-1.fr libgimp-1.2.so.0 is needed by (installed) xsane-gimp-0.91-1 libgimp-1.2.so.0 is needed by (installed) gimp-print-plugin-4.2.5-2 libgimp-1.2.so.0 is needed by (installed) gtkam-gimp-0.1.7-6.1 libgimp-1.2.so.0 is needed by (installed) gimp-perl-1.2.5-1 libgimpui-1.2.so.0 is needed by (installed) xsane-gimp-0.91-1 libgimpui-1.2.so.0 is needed by (installed) gimp-print-plugin-4.2.5-2 libgimpui-1.2.so.0 is needed by (installed) gtkam-gimp-0.1.7-6.1 libgimpui-1.2.so.0 is needed by (installed) gimp-perl-1.2.5-1 gimp = 1:1.2.5 is needed by (installed) gimp-perl-1.2.5-1 [root@localhost Downloads]# Thanks for any and all help, it's ALWAYS appriciated, Justin