Michael Sullivan wrote:
Hi. I'm running Red Hat 9 and I have a domain (espersunited.com) and IOn a standard RH9 system you need sendmail installed (should be already there) and imap (which will give you both pop3 and imap support)..
would like to set up my own mail server so that I could set up my own
email addresses @espersunited.com), but I don't know how to do that. All my searches on the internet have only told me how to set up mail
servers with existing mail addresses, but not how to set up addresses
when the email address doesn't exist yet. Can anyone help me? Thanx!
-Michael Sullivan-
The I would suggest you read up on setting up sendmail to accept mail for your domain..
When you have configured it and started the pop3 and inap services and made sure you can send mail through your server then it will be time to setup you MX record in your DNS to point your mail delivery to your newly configured server(you will probably need a static IP address to do it properly otherwise you may be able to use a DDNS provider)..
There is plenty of info on setting up sendmail online, I even think the RH docs have some very usefull info..