Here's a strange one: I don't usually bother with redhat-config-packages, but I ran it just now and discovered an ... "anomaly" I guess. There are several packages which have been updated from the on-disk versions, several which have been added, and just one that is missing ... but that does not seem to be reflected in the package list in rh-cf-packages. First off, I deliberately removed XFree86-Mesa-libGL since it conflicts with the "nvidia" GL package, but I don't see it listed as "not installed" - i.e. empty checkbox - anywhere. It's just not listed at all. However, running "yum list" clearly shows me that package. Second, I downloaded the libjpeg source rpm, and rebuilt it including the "lossless" patch, which I needed for a program called MaPiVi. I edited the specfile to include the new patch and rebuilt for an i686 target. I rpm -ev --nodeps both libjpeg and libjpeg devel then rpm -i installed the newly compiled i686 versions. Maybe I should have done an rpm -Uvh --replacefiles install rather than removing it first, I really don't know if it makes any difference. All the libjpeg components seem to be working fine, and a quick rpm -Vv didn't show any problems, but running rh-cf-packages shows libjpeg-devel is missing (empty checkbox) but rpm -q shows it *is* installed. So I went ahead and satisfied it's demand, checked the box, inserted the CD and let it install the i386 version. I didn't think dependencies were arch dependent, are they? Weird? Now I know that building libjpeg-devel for i686 is pointless, since it's all source anyway (the only binary was actually a symlink to in the main libjpeg package), but still, why does rh-cf-packages not believe the rpm database? Immediately after this episode. I upgraded rh-cf-packages to 1.2.7-1 from testing, same result. Also rpm --rebuilddb. No change, but then it doesn't seem to be rpm that's broken, it's something specific to rh-cf-packages. - [H]omer