Hello. I have configured my network connection (cable modem) using the wizard (internet-druid), and set it to start at system initialization. The wizard have created the configuration file for the connection as /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-NetSuper (NetSuper is the name I have give to my provider.) I have noticed that when the network service is started (service network start), the connection is not brought up and ifup puts an error message ("configuration for ppp0 not found"). I have looked into some scripts and found that, for xDSL connections, ifup is being called with the device name of the connection (obtained from the ifcfg-NetSuper file), not with the interface name (NetSuper) as it was the case with Red Hat Linux 9. As there is no configuration for the device (/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ppp0 in this case), ifup fails. Has anybody else noticed this bug? Regards. Romildo